C-Station a modular and scalable fast charging station
The Kempower C-Station is a perfect fit on those charging applications that needs a compact all-in-one DC charger. It has heavy duty electromechanical design comprises 1-4 power modules, one control module and optional dynamic module.
Depending on the charging application, full Charging Power Unit (CPU) provides nominal power of 200 kW divided evenly or dynamically. C-Station has either 1 or 2 CPU cabinets that offer power from 50-400 kW and it can have 1-2 DC charging outlets fixed on one or both sides. Advance cable handling with spring support provides ranges from 4 to 6 meters. The total outlet number as a single cabinet build is 4, it may provide power to 1-2 satellites as far as the outlet number is 4 .
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The benefits of C-Station

C-Station supports all the most common charging standards: CCS1, CC2, CHAdeMO and Type 2 AC.

Kempower Power Module is the core of C-Station. The rack style cabinet includes 1-4 power modules. C-Station is also redundant as each power module work independently, if one of them malfunctions, the others keep on working.

Our charging cable spring support solution is developed based on real user experience. C-Station integrated cable handling prevents the cable from touching the dirt or wet ground and provides ranges with optionally 5 or 7 meter charging cables.